No matter how good a golfer you may be on the practice ground or when playing a few rounds of social golf, many golfers find their best game evades them when performance pressure kicks in and we really want to deliver our best.
"when you're playing great, It's easy to stay in the moment. The real test is when you're struggling - can you still stay focused, patient and present?" -
Rory Mcllroy
So many golfers find themselves unhelpfully and certainly unwillingly of short putts of less than 3 feet, and not consistently holing them out as they feel they ought to be.
Missing short putts on a regular basis can create pressure on the longer distance putts as well as be a real confidence killer effecting all of your game.
Nothing can be more terrifying as that little row of white stakes marking Out of Bound! It can exert a seemingly silent like lure to even the most determined of golfers! The trouble is once you start thinking 'Dont put this out of bounds, you are already well on the road to visiting it!
By the way the same applies to most unwanted hazards such as lakes, streams, bunkers etc!
Getting the Yips be they on the putting green, chipping, pitching or even full shots are perhaps a golfers worst nightmare along with an attack of the shanks. Yipping and shanking can be soul destroying for even the professional golfer and the cause of many golfers giving up the game!
No matter how much you've warmed up, sometimes getting your very first tee shot away can feel like the hardest thing in the world and can set you up or down for the rest of the round!
Sometimes certain shots or holes you really build a dislike to perhaps after a "bad" experience or two. These bogey shots and holes can fill you with a sense of dread every time they present no matter how hard you try to be positive about them. Maybe it's a downhill putt, or a shot over a bunker, or perhaps it's the "difficult" 13th hole?
Getting too serious and tense whenever you've got a pencil and scorecard in your hand can inevitably negatively effect your ability to enjoy yourself and play as well as you know you're capable of playing.
But how can you relax and have fun when trying to record a decent score that seems a matter of such seriousness?
If you can relate to any of the above, you're absolutely in the right place to begin your recovery from these troubling ailments and can soon start looking forward to transforming your golfing and enjoy playing your best golf ever!
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